Energy and Buildings (2022). The data collection process for thermal energy storage (TES) system is largely still and restricted to data collection only. This leaves a gap to study the transient state physical process of charge and discharge as … Pokračovat ve čtení
Archivy kategorií: International journal
Energy and Buildings (2022) The article describes an experimental development of a new prototype of the horizontal plate shower exchanger for wastewater heat recovery. The prototype is designed so that while achieving the highest possible value of efficiency, it … Pokračovat ve čtení
Build. Simul. (2021). Due to the different approaches in determining the ventilation airflow rate per person for workspaces, where high-temperature air conditioning systems are used for air conditioning, problems with the condensation of water vapour on the cold surfaces of … Pokračovat ve čtení
Renewable Energy,Volume 154, Pages 1165-1179, ISSN 0960-1481 An efficient storage retains thermal stratification and improves the discharging performance. Turbulent mixing between hot and cold water is the prime source of stratification destruction. In this paper quantification of turbulent missing was … Pokračovat ve čtení
Build. Simul. (2020). The global energy consumption of data centers (DCs) has experienced exponential growth over the last decade, that is expected to continue in the near future. Reasonable utilization of DC waste heat, which is dissipated during the computational … Pokračovat ve čtení