GLocalFlex project aims to develop an energy flexibility marketplace integrated with several local energy systems, positive energy districts, cross-sectoral energy management systems, microgrids, electric transport, industries, individual consumers, and appliances.The project aims to build on and upgrade existing energy systems to expose their flexibility potential to flexibility/demand response (DR) marketplace.GLocalFlex consists of six heterogenous pilot sites demonstrating flexibility potential, solutions, and services ranging from consumers to industries, which interact with automated marketplaces to increase the participation of consumers at all grid levels.The project demonstrates how cost-efficient flexibility markets can also operate without aggregators and how GLocalFlex solution has its place in supplementing co-existing flexibility solutions.The proposed GLocalFlex flexibility marketplace has a neutral and well-defined rule base applicable to all energy stakeholders, and the GLocalFlex concept is driven by spot pricing, scalable, regulated, and diverse in terms of used technologies, participating entities, and business models.The project also aims to replicate services in different business models and provides valuable information on business models needed for replication and the performance of replicated services.

More info https://glocalflex.eu/

Grant agreement id: 101096399
Funded by:  Horizont EU
Responsible person behalf of ÚTP:  Vojtěch Zavřel
Partners: 25 international partners from 7 countries EU
Project duration: 1/2023 – 12/2026

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